Work Zone Speed Camera Program

Learn about our Work Zone Speed Camera Program and pay or contest an infraction.

Starting in early 2025, work zone speed cameras, mounted on trailers, will be in active work zones across the state.

Before driving through a work zone with camera enforcement, signs will tell drivers the posted speed limit and that work zone speed cameras are activated.

When a vehicle is traveling over the posted speed limit, the system will take images of the vehicle, its license plate and related information (i.e. speed limit, speed, location, date, time, etc.).

Washington State Patrol will review images and data captured by the speed cameras. If the Washington State Patrol determines that a violation has been committed, a notice of infraction will be mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle within 30 days.

Pay your work zone speed camera infraction

Go to to pay or acknowledge a work zone speed camera infraction, or request a hearing to contest the infraction, request a reduced penalty or arrange a payment plan online, by phone or by mail.

Safer speeds equal safer work zones

Speeding is one of the main causes of serious injury or death in work zones – not only for work crews. According to WSDOT’s traffic analysis, nearly 95% of people injured in work zone crashes are drivers, their passengers or nearby pedestrians.

Through legislation passed in 2023, we are starting a statewide Work Zone Speed Camera Program in collaboration with several other organizations committed to safety. The goal is to reduce speeding in active work zones. Reducing speeding helps prevent crashes, decreases injuries and saves lives.

Learn more about how the Work Zone Speed Camera Program works and the need behind it.



دفع قيمة المخالفة المُسجَّلة بكاميرا رصد السرعة في مناطق العمل (PDF 130KB)

تعرَّف على المزيد حول كيفية عمل برنامج كاميرا رصد السرعة في مناطق العمل (Work Zone Speed Camera Program) ومدى أهميته. (PDF 145KB)


支付施工区超速违章罚款 (PDF 218KB)

进一步了解“施工区测速摄像头计划” (Work Zone Speed Camera Program) 如何实施以及该计划的必要性。(PDF 335KB)


작업 구역 과속 단속 카메라 위반 벌금 납부 (PDF 251KB)

작업 구역 과속 단속 카메라 프로그램의 작동 방식과 필요성에 대해 더 자세히 알아보세요. (PDF 251KB) 


Оплата штрафа за нарушение, зафиксированное камерой контроля скорости в местах проведения работ (128KB)

Узнайте больше о принципе работы программы камер контроля скорости в местах проведения работ и о причинах ее внедрения. (PDF 145KB)


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Wax badan ka ogaw sida uu u shaqeeyo Barnaamijka Kamaradaha Xawaaraha ee Goobta Shaqada iyo baahida ka dambeysa. (PDF 105KB)


Pague la infracción de cámara de velocidad en una zona de trabajo (PDF 87KB)

Obtenga más información sobre cómo funciona el Programa de Cámaras de Velocidad en Zonas de Trabajo y su importancia. (PDF 102KB)

Tiếng Việt

Thanh toán vi phạm khi bị camera bắn tốc độ ở khu vực thi công (PDF 142KB)

Tìm hiểu thêm về cách thức hoạt động của Chương trình camera bắn tốc độ ở khu vực thi công và lý do xây dựng chương trình này. (PDF 147KB)


Pay or acknowledge a work zone speed camera infraction, or request a hearing to contest the infraction, request a reduced penalty or arrange a payment plan online, by phone or by mail

Learn about the Work Zone Speed Camera Program, how it came about and details on how the program is enforced.

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.