Environmental training

Find e-learning, instructor-led courses and specialized trainings, offered by the Environmental Services Office (ESO), to ensure projects stay in compliance with regulatory requirements.

Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) staff can register for most instructor-led classes and e-learning courses through the Learning Center. Other participants can contact Barb Steusloff, Barbara.Steusloff@wsdot.wa.gov for more information regarding training provided by ESO instructors. 

Environmental training resources by topic

Review our training opportunities by topic below.

Poisonous plants

Learn how to identify poisonous plants by searching for the course title “Poisonous and harmful plants of Washington State” in the Learning Center. This course is available to anyone. To access the training on the webpage, you will have to have Adobe Flash enabled on your computer.

Construction site erosion and sediment control training

WSDOT trains staff and consultants on policies and procedures for complying with construction stormwater and NPDES 402 Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP) requirements on projects within the WSDOT Right-of-Way. Successful completion of this class is required for staff responsible for designing or implementing temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) plans, collecting or reporting discharge samples, or ensuring compliance during design or in the field (as detailed in Ch.1 of the WSDOT TESC Manual). Classes are offered annually in January, February, and March, though additional classes may be offered based on popular demand. The class may be taken to recertify an expiring CESCL or in conjunction with an approved 8-hour Field BMP training course for the full CESCL certification. While CESCL certification is not typically necessary for WSDOT staff, obtaining and maintaining CESCL certification through the WSDOT classroom and Field BMP Classes is highly encouraged as it facilitates greater knowledge of appropriate TESC Best Management Practices for plan design, field inspection, and contract enforcement. 

Staff can sign up for "WSDOT ENV: Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control" in the Learning Center. Consultants can request to be registered for WSDOT's class if deemed necessary. While WSDOT staff may obtain CESCL certification or re-certification through an external Ecology approved training provider, doing so does not replace the requirement for staff to complete the internal WSDOT training. 

Cultural resources training 

Cultural resources training promotes awareness, preservation and stewardship of Washington’s cultural resources. The Cultural Resources program provides customized training for transportation professionals (including engineering, planning, contracting, maintenance, biologists and other disciplines). Participants learn to address cultural resource management issues on transportation projects and gain hands-on experience in the field. Training focuses on state and federal regulations and compliance procedures, the National Register of Historic Places and alternative perspectives on values and significance.

Environmental Justice (EJ) training

Environmental Justice, Title VI and English Proficiency webinar for staff doing NEPA Categorical Exclusion evaluations. This training describes the basics, evaluation process and making determinations.

Fish & wildlife training

Training for Biological Assessment authors (PDF 149KB)  

Lists of consultants who have met the BA author qualification requirements:

Hazardous materials and spill prevention training 

We provide online training for WSDOT staff who review Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plans. WSDOT staff can access the course through the Learning Center by searching for the course title “WSDOT ENV: Spill Plan Reviewer Training (OLT).”

Permitting compliance training 

Trainings are available on multiple permitting compliance related topics including:

  • Corps and ecology permitting programs
  • Obtaining permits and preparing complete permit applications
  • Construction site erosion and sediment control
  • Construction compliance


Trainings related to wetlands include:

  • Wetlands ecology and monitoring techniques internship – This internship program provides hands-on field and laboratory experience collecting and analyzing environmental data gathered from WSDOT wetland mitigation sites. Find more information on the WSDOT internship offered through the Evergreen State College and how to apply.
  • Introductory wetland training – Introductory training is available to project inspectors tasked with overseeing compliance on project sites. WSDOT staff can access an introductory course through the Learning Center by searching for the course title “WSDOT ENV: Environmental Compliance for Construction (OLT)”.
  • Field training – Wetland field training is available to WSDOT staff upon request. Contact the Wetlands Program manager for more information.


View the Local Programs NEPA Courses YouTube videos and reference our Region cross reference (DOCX 23KB) guide for differences between the local and regional processes.

Additional environmental training resources

Organizations and other WSDOT offices also provide environmental training. The list below provides links to these environmental training resources.

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.