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138 results
SR 9, Marsh Road to 2nd Street Vic - Widening & Bridge Painting
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3596
Submittal due:
Constructing two new south bound lanes and two new south bound bridges, cleaning and painting the metal surfaces of the bridge, illumination, traffic signals, ITS, signing, retaining walls, stormwater facilities, drainage, planing bituminous pavement, hot mix asphalt paving, pavement markings,…
US 395, NSC Sprague Ave to Spokane River - Stage 3
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3595
Submittal due:
New Bridges No. 395/407W and No. 395/407E, three sign bridges, cantilever sign structure, hot mix asphalt paving, signing, curbing and demolition of WSDOT property within the city limits of Spokane. Abatement of asbestos materials, removal and disposal of buildings and contents, fence removal,…
US 2, Sexton Creek to Pilchuck River - Fish Passage
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3597
Submittal due:
Clearing and grubbing, filling the existing culvert, roadway/structure excavation and restoring the existing roadway and stream channel, constructing a precast reinforced concrete three-sided structure, constructing a steel arch structure, constructing wing walls, removing existing drainpipes,…
Notice of bid opportunity - Medical Invoicing Review Services
Publication date:
Submittal due:
The Washington State Department of Transportation (“WSDOT”) is issuing this Competitive Solicitation pursuant to RCW 39.26.
Pursuant to this Competitive Solicitation, WSDOT intends to conduct a competitive procurement to award an Agency Contract for WSDOT to purchase services with a…
Pursuant to this Competitive Solicitation, WSDOT intends to conduct a competitive procurement to award an Agency Contract for WSDOT to purchase services with a…
I-5 et al, NWR South 23-25 Pavement Repair
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3592
Submittal due:
Requires crack sealing, pavement repair, ITS, erosion control, traffic control and other work. 120 working days. Involves 24 items. Work class 4 or 2 & 5.
US 2 ET AL, NWR North 23-25, Crack Seal & Pavement Repair
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3593
Submittal due:
Requires crack sealing, pavement repair, traffic control and other work. 144 working days. Involves 22 items. Class 4.
SR 104, Lyon Creek Fish Passage
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3594
Submittal due:
Removal of the existing culvert and other obstructions and replacing with a fish passable structure. 67 working days. Involves 160 items. Work class 1.
SR 99, Alaskan Way S & S Washington St Ballast Island Marker
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3590
Submittal due:
Installing a new landscape marker, clearing and grubbing, structure excavation, roadside restoration, temporary erosion control, traffic control and other work. Involves 22 items and 50 working days. Work class 6.
SR 17, Cunningham Rd - Roundabout
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3591
Submittal due:
Requires removing asphalt concrete pavement, common borrow, drainage, pigmented cement concrete pavement, hot mix asphalt, erosion control, roadside planting, roundabout features, pavement markings and other work. 59 working days. Involves 78 items. Work class 1 & 2 or 4 & 5.
SR 27, Corridor Pedestrian Bicycle Crossing Improvements (small works roster)
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3588
Submittal due:
Installing a hybrid pedestrian/bicycle crossing consisting of hot mix asphalt (HMA) paving, crushed surfacing top course (CSTC), cement concrete curb, relocating illumination poles, pedestrian signal system components, sidewalk, curb ramp, pavement markings, traffic control and other work. Involves…
SR 304, Bremerton Ferry Terminal Slip 2 Dolphin Replacements
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3589
Submittal due:
Requires removing and replacing the existing Slip 2 right outer 6-pile steel dolphin and Slip 2 left outer 6-pile steel dolphin and other work. 155 working days. Involves 28 items. Work class 6.
US 97, Lateral A Intersection - Intersection Improvements
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3587
Submittal due:
Lateral A intersection with a two lane roundabout, paving with hot mix asphalt pavement, installing truck apron and splitter islands with cement concrete, mountable cement concrete curb and gutters, shared use paths, illumination, delineation, landscaping, signing, traffic control and other work.…
SR 129, Asotin Pedestrian Improvements (small works roster)
Publication date:
Contract number: QR4274
Submittal due:
Improvement of pedestrian facilities on SR 129 in the City of Asotin, Asotin County, MP 36.27 to MP 36.50. Improvements will include the construction of bulb-outs to reduce crossing length, perpendicular and single direction ramps with detectable warning surfaces, installation of Rectangular Rapid…
I-90, EB East Channel Bridge Modular Assembly Joints
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3584
Submittal due:
Removing and replacing two modular expansion joints, pavement markings, temporary erosion and water pollution control, temporary traffic control and other work. 30 working days. Involves 42 items. Work class 6.
Kingston Ferry Terminal Trestle Seismic Retrofit
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3577
Submittal due:
Improvement of the Kingston Ferry Terminal by replacing the bulkhead, replacing the Slip 2 trestle approach, seismic retrofit of Slip 1 and tie-in trestle, concrete pile repairs, and other work. Involves 64 items and 280 working days. Work class 6.
Bagley Creek Bridge - Bridge Scour
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3576
Submittal due:
Improvement of SR 542 in Whatcom County, MP 49.12 to MP 49.18, Bagley Creek Bridge; Bridge Scour by repairing a scour hole at Br. No. 542/42 with concrete, moving existing streambed rocks to prevent future scour, roadside restoration, temporary erosion and water pollution control, temporary traffic…
2024 Rail, Freight and Ports Division General Engineering Consulting Services
Publication date:
Submittal due:
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The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) solicits interest from consultants who wish to be evaluated and considered to provide 2024 Rail, Freight and Ports Div. General Engineering Consulting Services. One (1) agreement may be…
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) solicits interest from consultants who wish to be evaluated and considered to provide 2024 Rail, Freight and Ports Div. General Engineering Consulting Services. One (1) agreement may be…
SR 20 Spur, Shaw Ferry Terminal - Trestle Repair
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3573
Submittal due:
Improvement of Shaw Ferry Terminal in San Juan County to install steel reinforcement, drill micropiles, repair timber piles, remove and dispose of debris, obstructions, and redundant piling, traffic control and other work. Involves 11 items and 100 working days. Work class 6 or 36.
Eastern Region 2025 Bridge Repair
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3574
Submittal due:
Improvement of SR 26 MP 84.14 (Bridge No. 26/135) and 1-90 MP 206.84 (Bridge No. 090/312S) with concrete overlay, scarifying concrete surface, deck repair, planning bituminous surface, removing existing overlay from bridge deck, hot mix asphalt paving, surveying for concrete overlay, steel…
US 395 / NSC 2024 Demo No 2
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3572
Submittal due:
Improvement of WSDOT owned property within the City of Spokane at 1114 N Ralph St, 3129 / 3139 E Trent Ave, 3133 E Trent Ave, 2404 / 2406 E 3rd Ave and 2408 E 3rd Ave by abatement of asbestos materials, removal and disposal of buildings and peripherals, cement and asphalt concrete removal, fence…
2024 WSF Southworth Program General Engineering Consultant
Publication date:
Submittal due:
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The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) solicits interest from consultants who wish to be evaluated and considered to provide General Engineering Services for the SR160/Southworth Terminal – Terminal Building and Trestle…
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) solicits interest from consultants who wish to be evaluated and considered to provide General Engineering Services for the SR160/Southworth Terminal – Terminal Building and Trestle…
SR 503/Pedestrian Signal Prairie High School Vicinity
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3569
Submittal due:
Installing a HAWK pedestrian signal, illumination, ITS, ADA curb ramps, monolithic traffic island and traffic curb, pavement markings, permanent signing and other work. Involves 45 items and 30 working days. Work class 41.
SR 171, Moses Lake - RRFB Retrofit to Mast Arm
Publication date:
Contract number: QR4271
Submittal due:
Requires inlet protection, compost sock, high visibility fence, cement concrete traffic curb and gutter, pedestrian curb, plastic stop line, permanent signing, intelligent transportation systems (ITS) - rectagular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) signals, project temporary traffic control, work zone…
Notice of bid opportunity - Washington State Zero-Emissions Medium & Heavy-Duty Vehicles “MHDV” Incentive Program
Publication date:
Submittal due:
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As per ESHB 2134, Sec 215 of the 2024 Supplemental Transportation Budget Proviso, WSDOT was tasked with finding a Contractor(s) to develop and administer a one hundred- and ten-million-dollar $110,000,000 point-of-sale voucher incentive program…
As per ESHB 2134, Sec 215 of the 2024 Supplemental Transportation Budget Proviso, WSDOT was tasked with finding a Contractor(s) to develop and administer a one hundred- and ten-million-dollar $110,000,000 point-of-sale voucher incentive program…
Competitive Procurement - Washington Electric Bicycle Rebate Program
Publication date:
Submittal due:
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The Washington State Department of Transportation (“WSDOT”) is issuing this Competitive Solicitation pursuant to RCW 39.26. Pursuant to this Competitive Solicitation, WSDOT intends to conduct a competitive procurement to award an Agency Contract…
The Washington State Department of Transportation (“WSDOT”) is issuing this Competitive Solicitation pursuant to RCW 39.26. Pursuant to this Competitive Solicitation, WSDOT intends to conduct a competitive procurement to award an Agency Contract…
2024 WSDOT Capital Facilities General Engineering Contract
Publication date:
Submittal due:
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The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) solicits interest from consultants who wish to be evaluated and considered to provide services for the WSDOT Capital Facilities General Engineering Contract. One (1) Task Order Negotiated…
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) solicits interest from consultants who wish to be evaluated and considered to provide services for the WSDOT Capital Facilities General Engineering Contract. One (1) Task Order Negotiated…
I-90, Schrag WB - Well Nitrate Remediation - ER
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3563
Submittal due:
Decommissioning and replacement of the existing well in a new location, replacement of waterlines (trenching and/or directional drilling may be used; directional drilling only under I-90), asphalt, concrete, water system equipment, electrical and mechanical systems, relocating the existing well…
SR 516 to S 200th Street Paving & ADA Compliance
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3553
Submittal due:
Planing bituminous pavement, paving with hot mix asphalt (HMA), pavement repair, upgrading 35 curb ramps, intelligent transportation systems (ITS) work, pavement marking, installation of precast dual faced sloped mountable curb, traffic control and other work. Involves 87 items and 195 working days…
SR 167, I-5 to SR 161 - New Expressway Project
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3431
Submittal due:
This project proposes to construct the final stage of the SR 167 Completion project from I-5 to SR 161, complete the diverging diamond interchange at I-5 and also at SR 161, builds a new half interchange at Valley Avenue, a large segment of the spuyaləpabš Trail, an auxiliary lane on southbound I-5…
I-90, ER TMC Relocation - Communications Hub
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3560
Submittal due:
Installing precast concrete fiber hub, switch gear racks, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system, power generator, fiber conduit with innerduct, fiber optic cabling, junction boxes, slab on grade concrete foundation, traffic control and other work. Involves 27 items and 43 working days. Work…
Slow down on ice and snow.
It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.
Carry chains, practice installing them.
Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.
Pack your winter car kit.
Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.