Funding & progress billing forms
All local agencies with agreements through Local Programs will submit progress billings directly to headquarters Local Programs billings.
Funding forms and guidance
Most WSDOT forms, including funding forms, can be downloaded using WSDOT eForms.
LAG Manual chapter 21 - The Project Prospectus (PDF 2.8MB) – procedures for the authorization package.
- Local Agency Federal Aid Project Prospectus (PDF 184KB) - DOT Form 140-101
LAG Manual chapter 22 - Local Agency Agreement (PDF 1.1MB) – describes the local agency agreement process.
- Local Agency Federal Agreement (PDF 186KB) - DOT Form 140-039
- Local Agency Federal Agreement Supplement (PDF 244KB) - DOT Form 140-041
- Local Programs State Funding Agreement (PDF 26KB) - DOT Form 140-087
- Supplement to Local Programs State Funding Agreement (PDF 42KB) - DOT Form 140-087A
Billing forms and guidance
Working copies of the payment request form (Excel 4.0 format)
- LAG Manual chapter 23 – Progress Billing (PDF 549KB) – guidance for billing procedures.
- Progress Billing Training Presentation (PDF 3.76MB)
- Federal Aid Progress Billing Form (XLSX 40KB)
- Final Project Summary Form (XLSX 16KB)
State Funds Only
Progress billing process
All agencies requesting reimbursement through WSDOT Local Programs please send an email with the progress billing, applicable attachments, statements, etc., to headquarters Local Programs billing:
With this process the additional requirements are as follows:
- A project’s FIRST progress billing requires the local agency submit the back-up documentation to support the reimbursement request, and the agency's documentation confirming the individual signing the reimbursement request is authorized to legally bind the agency.
- For ongoing projects, the first reimbursement package submitted after 12/1/2016, is required to include the agency's documentation confirming the individual signing the reimbursement request is authorized to legally bind the agency. Sample: 2 CFR 200 Delegation Resolution (PDF 86KB)
- A project’s FINAL progress billing requires a final summary of all project costs using the Final Project Summary Form.
For agencies who submit hard copies, the progress billings and additional documentation as required above will need to be sent to:
WSDOT Local Programs
PO Box 47390
Olympia, WA 98504-7390
To ensure timely processing of the progress billings, please refer to the Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) manual Chapter 23 for completing the progress billings accurately and completely. Any billings that need adjustments made will be returned to the local agency for correction, prior to processing.
Slow down on ice and snow.
It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.
Carry chains, practice installing them.
Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.
Pack your winter car kit.
Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.