Project delivery memos
Project Delivery Memos are design and construction documents used to implement an immediate change in any stage of project, from design through advertisement and construction.
Memos remain in effect until all appropriate support documentation can be updated or replaced.
Active memos
#24-01 Environmental Compliance Assurance Policy (PDF 1.14MB)
#23-06 Pre-NCHRP 350 Guardrail Terminal Replacement (PDF 263KB)
#23-05 Department Franchise Authority on Developer-Led Projects (PDF 196KB)
#23-04 Dig Once - Broadband (PDF 167KB)
#23-03 Indirect Costs Within Reimbursable Agreements (PDF 274KB)
#22-05 Interim At-Risk Advertisement Procedure (PDF 361KB)
#22-03 Complete Streets Implementation (PDF 883KB)
#22-02 Risk Approval for Advertisement of Design-Build Projects (PDF 191KB)
#22-01 Vertical Clearance for Water Crossing Bridges and Buried Structures (PDF 187KB)
#21-04 Fish Passage Project Efficiencies (PDF 187KB)
#21-03 Professional Liability Insurance Risk Assessment (PDF 170KB)
#21-01 Pedestrian Accommodation in Alteration and Pavement Preservation Project (PDF 756KB)
#19-04 Acquiring temporary construction rights for ADA in preservation projects (PDF 52KB)
#19-04 (Process Option) ADA in preservation projects (PDF 25KB)
#19-01 Freeway Work Zone Variable Regulatory Speed Limit and Advisory Speed Implementation (PDF 132KB)
Slow down on ice and snow.
It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.
Carry chains, practice installing them.
Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.
Pack your winter car kit.
Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.