Reducing transportation greenhouse gas emissions

Learn about how we are working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across the state.

We are implementing elements of the 2021 Washington State Energy Strategy, which identifies a two-pronged approach to reduce transportation sector emissions: 

  • Move people and goods more efficiently and equitably.
  • Electrify vehicles and switch to low carbon fuels.

State Transportation Carbon Reduction Strategy

The Washington State Transportation Carbon Reduction Strategy identifies and summarizes the policies and strategies to reduce transportation carbon emissions being developed and implemented by state agencies, tribes, community organizations, regional and local jurisdiction partners, and industry. This strategy is a requirement to access Carbon Reduction Program funds. Find more about this federal Carbon Reduction Program.

Clean Fuel Standard Forecast Report

WSDOT's annual Clean Fuel Standard- State Transportation Investment Credit Revenue Forecast Report identifies state funded transportation investments eligible to generate credits under the state's Clean Fuel Standard. The report also describes WSDOT's recommendation for reinvestment of funds generated through credit sales. 

Moving people and goods efficiently and equitably

We are working with our partners on many efforts to improve the efficiency and equity of our transportation system. Through Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) efforts, we work to operate the existing transportation system as safely and efficiently as possible.

Expanding active and public transportation

Expanding active transportation and transit use throughout the state provides a more efficient alternative to driving alone and access for those who do not drive: 

Community planning

WSDOT provides a range of planning guidance to help integrate transportation and land use planning activities. In addition, we work with the Departments of Commerce, Ecology, and Health to provide information for local jurisdictions on transportation efficient communities

During the 2021-2023 biennium, the Legislature directed WSDOT to collaborate with the Department of Commerce on developing vehicle miles traveled targets for counties within Washington State. This work is now complete: 

Electrifying vehicles and using low carbon fuels

Decarbonizing transportation requires that vehicles use fuels that don't emit greenhouse gas emissions. Making the switch to new fuels requires accessible and affordable charging and refueling infrastructure with incentives to support rapid adoption. 

We are also working to electrify WSDOT's fleet, both vehicles and ferry vessels

Electric vehicle charging infrastructure

Electrifying transportation is a key means of decarbonizing transportation. We co-lead planning and grant administration efforts.    

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.