Aviation grants

Learn about our Airport Aid Grant Program including who can apply, requirements and how to apply. 

Read the recent news release about applying for a grant in 2024

Airports are vital to Washington state, fueling its economy and providing critical links to the state and national transportation system. WSDOT Aviation has been charged with the general supervision over the Airport Aid Grant Program, pursuant to RCW 47.68 on the legislature website, in which the program provides crucial financial assistance to public-use airports in the preservation of Washington's system of airports.

Who can apply

Under RCW 47.68.090, any city, county, airport authority, political subdivision, federally recognized Indian tribe, public corporation, or person(s) that owns and operates, a public-use airport included in the Washington Aviation System Plan (WASP) is considered an eligible airport sponsor and may apply for WSDOT Airport Aid grant funds. The municipality, tribe, or person(s) may act jointly with other municipalities, tribes, or persons to plan or carry out the project.

The airport sponsor must own or, in some cases, have a long-term lease (minimum twenty years) for the land upon which the project will be accomplished. 

Documents & requirements to apply

Airport sponsors must complete and submit the Airport Aid Grant Application and Airport Aid Application Checklist along with other supporting documentation as applicable.

The application and supporting materials should be able to answer the following questions:

  • Why is WSDOT Aviation investing in this project?
  • What will the end result be?
  • What are the benefits of this project (i.e. will it improve safety or security, benefit the environment, change operations, etc.)?
  • What is the project timeline?
  • What public outreach or involvement will be done as part of this project?
  • What will be done to protect the environment? See environmental guidance and tools for more information.
  • Will this project impact tribal resources?
  • Number of jobs the project is expected to create
  • Financial details, including a funding breakdown (i.e. What portion of funding is FAA/State/Local/Other)
  • Who can the public contact for more information?

More detailed information is available in the WSDOT Airport Aid Grant Procedures Manual - March 2018

Maximum grant

The maximum amount WSDOT Aviation can award to an individual sponsor in a single grant is $750,000.

Airport sponsor local match requirement

On projects seeking state funds only, the airport sponsor must contribute a minimum 5 percent match of the entire project cost. If the sponsor is able, and would like to contribute a larger match amount, they certainly can and will receive additional points towards their total project application score during WSDOT Aviation's prioritization review of all grant applications.

For projects receiving federal funds, it has been a long-standing practice of the Airport Aid Program to support airports in matching their Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grants. Currently, AIP grants require 10 percent of the project total to come from the airport sponsor. WSDOT supports grants to airports for up to half of their match requirement.

Eligible project types

The intent of the WSDOT Airport Aid Program is to provide sponsors of public-use airports with funds to preserve our state system of airports. Airports are critical links to the state transportation network and it is the role of the grant program to fund projects that strengthen Washington's aviation infrastructure.

WSDOT Airport Aid grant funds may be used for the planning, acquisition, construction, improvement, and maintenance of airports. All project work must be available for public use and be shown on the approved Airport Layout Plan (ALP). All projects must be included in WSDOT Aviation's five-year Statewide Capital Improvement Program (SCIP).

Grant award timeline

WSDOT solicits grant applications and awards funds once each year. During odd-numbered years (e.g. 2023, 2025, etc.), the grant schedule is constrained by the state's biennium, which prohibits grant awards prior to July 1. Thus, during odd-numbered years WSDOT typically solicits applications from airport sponsors between March and May and announces grant awards by July 15.

During even-numbered years (e.g. 2022, 2024, etc.), the grant solicitation and award schedule is earlier to better align with the typical construction season. Thus, during even-numbered years applications are solicited between February and March with grant awards announced by May 15.

Airport sponsors can elect to submit a grant application at any given time during the year (outside of the official solicitation) to be considered for the next grant cycle.

Move Ahead Washington - Sustainable Aviation Grant Program

During the 2023 legislative session, the legislature passed, and Governor Inslee subsequently signed into law Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1125 providing funding for Sustainable Aviation Grant projects recommended for funding by WSDOT Aviation during the 2023-2025 biennium. The legislation also directs the Department of Transportation to identify and recommend a selection of sustainable aviation projects for funding by the legislature in the 2025-2027 biennium.

The purpose of the grant program is to support the adoption of energy efficient and clean energy airport infrastructure to reduce harmful aviation-related emissions, and transition airports to more environmentally sustainable operations. The department must select projects, which may include planning, to propose to the legislature for funding. The department shall submit a report to the transportation committees of the legislature by October 1, 2024, identifying the selection of sustainable aviation projects for funding by the legislature.

Eligible applicants

Under RCW 47.68.090, any city, county, airport authority, political subdivision, federally recognized Indian tribe, public corporation, or person(s) that owns and operates, a public-use airport included in the Washington Aviation System Plan (WASP) is considered an eligible airport sponsor and may apply for WSDOT Airport Aid grant funds. The municipality, tribe, or person(s) may act jointly with other municipalities, tribes, or persons to plan or carry out the project.

The airport sponsor must own or, in some cases, have a long-term lease (minimum twenty years) for the land upon which the project will be accomplished.

Eligible projects

Sustainable aviation projects may include, but are not limited to:

  • Mobile battery charging technology
  • Hydrogen electrolyzers and storage
  • Electric ground equipment
  • Hangar charging technology

How to apply

Complete the Sustainable Aviation Grant Program Application Form (PDF 3.27MB) (Rev. 7/2024) including a Project Data Sheet and Supplemental Application form for each project seeking funding.

Refer to the Airport Aid Application Checklist (Rev. 3/2019) for potential supporting documentation to submit with your application.

Sign and submit Airport Aid Grant Assurances.

Evaluation criteria

Projects will be evaluated on their ability to advance the state of sustainable aviation technology and lead to future innovation, reduce the harmful effects of aviation-related emissions, reduce the reliance on fossil fuels, and to reduce environmental health disparities and create environmental benefits to overburdened communities and vulnerable populations.

An independent review panel evaluates applications based on the following criteria:

Evaluation criteria - Max Points

  • Project helps the airport become more environmentally sustainable - 15
  • Project supports future sustainable aviation technologies and/or Advanced Air Mobility - 15
  • Project reduces dependence on fossil fuels - 15
  • Project increases the airport’s ability to produce sustainable energy or reduces reliance on grid infrastructure - 15
  • Project provides environmental benefits to identified overburdened and vulnerable communities - 15                                                                                                                                   
  • Project reduces or offsets greenhouse gas emissions - 15
  • Demonstrated need for project - 10
  • Local matching funds provided - 10
  • Readiness to proceed - 10
  • Total points possible -120

Important dates

  • July 9, 2024                                    WSDOT posts notice of funding opportunity
  • July-August 16, 2024                      WSDOT staff available for questions and technical assistance
  • August 16, 2024, 5 p.m. PDT,        Grant applications due
  • August 19-September 15, 2024     Independent evaluation panel reviews and scores applications
  • October 1, 2024                             WSDOT submits prioritized list of recommended projects to legislature
  • April 27, 2025                                End of legislative session. Projects receive funding included in budget pending approval by the Governor
  • Beginning July 1, 2025                  WSDOT sends grant award letters to grantees
  • June 30, 2027                               2025-2027 biennium ends, awarded applicants must spend grant funds by this date

Airport Information System Database

As a condition for grant eligibility, airport sponsors are required to update their information annually on the Airport Information System database. Airport sponsors must first log in to the system in order to view and update information. Airports can request their User ID by emailing aisadmin@wsdot.wa.gov with the following information:

Sponsor name, address, phone number, and email.

Grant Reimbursement

Guidance on how to submit for reimbursement on WSDOT Airport Aid Grants:

Download the Invoice Voucher form, complete the top 1/3 of the form with; Vendor name and address, state vendor number, title, and date. For the middle section fill in the information for the invoices being claimed on the reimbursement; invoice date, consultant/contractor/vendor name and their invoice number, and amount of invoice. Below the line with ‘AGREEMENTS’ and ‘INVOICE’ include; Authorization – this is the grant number (GCB #### or UCB ####), Description – this is the project number assigned by WSDOT, Date – this is the date you are preparing/submitting the form, Gross Total – this is the total of all items being claimed on this reimbursement, Discount – this is the local and any other funding amount (e.g., airport sponsor and FAA), and then the amount representing WSDOT’s share will go under Net Total. All areas under ‘Accounting Classification’ are for WSDOT’s internal use. The authorized representative signs/dates the form in the upper right, scan the form along with any supporting documentation (i.e., copies of the vendor invoices), and email the scanned file to Eric.Johnson@wsdot.wa.gov.


View the terms and conditions of the Aviation Airport Aid Grant Agreement. 

View a list of grant recipients from the past 10 years.

166,800 electric vehicle

registrations in Washington in 2023, up from 114,600 in 2022.

87 wetland compensation sites

actively monitored on 918 acres in 2023.

25,000 safe animal crossings

in the Snoqualmie Pass East Project area since 2014.