INTRO Option A | M Rev | Introduction to the Special Provisions (January 4, 2024) Must use one option on all projects. Use when you will indicate the type of GSP (WSDOT, APWA, Agency) regardless of type. Four fill-ins; Delete fill-ins when not used: $$1$$ - year of current Standard Specifications $$2$$ - name of Agency, if you have your own GSPs [optional] $$3$$ - official name of your Agency standards, standard plans, standard details, if any [optional] $$4$$ - other published standards you wish to adopt by reference [optional] |
INTRO Option B | M Rev | Introduction to the Special Provisions (July 8, 2024) Must use one option on all projects. Use when you will only use the publication date for WSDOT GSPs. Four fill-ins; Delete fill-ins when not used: $$1$$ - year of current Standard Specifications $$2$$ - name of Agency, if you have your own GSPs [this bullet item is optional] $$3$$ - official name of your Agency standards, standard plans, standard details, if any [this bullet item is optional] $$4$$ - other published standards you wish to adopt by reference [this bullet item is optional] |
DESWORK | M | Description of Work All projects must have a description of work. See WSDOT index for Division 1 for DESWORK.FR1. |
1-01.3 | | Definitions (January 19, 2022) May be used on FHWA funded projects. This definition allows granting of Substantial Completion even if initial planting is not complete, as long as the work does not impede full use of the facility. If used, must also use APWA GSP 1-08.9. |
1-02.1 | S | Qualifications of Bidder (January 24, 2011) May be used on FHWA funded projects. If used, also use APWA 1-02.13 and APWA 1-05.13 Use to delete Standard Specs prequalification of bidders and require the minimum qualifications for bidders per RCW. |
1-02.1(1) | S | Supplemental Qualifications Criteria (July 31, 2017) Requires pre-approval on FHWA funded projects, through WSDOT/Local Programs. Use if you included project-specific supplemental criteria in your Bid Documents. If used, must also use APWA 1-02.1, APWA 1-02.13, APWA1-02.14 Option C, and APWA 1-05.13. |
1-02.2 | S | Plans and Specifications (June 27, 2011) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use to allow more choices in the distribution of Contract Provisions and Plans and to reference the Call for Bids (Advertisement for Bids) for where to obtain the Bid Documents. (3 fill-ins) |
1-02.4(1) Option A | S | General (December 30, 2022) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use if you don't desire to give a specific day for bid explanations and interpretations to be submitted. |
1-02.4(1) Option B | S | General (December 30, 2022) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use if you desire to revise the time frame for when bid explanations and interpretations may be submitted. (1-fill-in – insert number of business days – on FHWA funded projects; you may choose between 3-7 days) |
1-02.5 | S Rev | Proposal Forms November 25, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use to delete the option to access the Proposal Form for submittal via AASHTOWare Project Bids software "BidExpress"; and allows bids be completed by typing or printed in ink: and to allow for alternates and additives. |
1-02.6 Option 3 | CF Rev | Preparation of Proposal (Delivery of DBE forms) (September 3, 2024) Applies to projects with a COA DBE Goal. Do not use with APWA 1 02.6.OptionA as the gsp is incorporated into that APWA option. See WSDOT index for Division 1 for 1-02.6.OPT3.GR1 |
1-02.6 Option 7 | CF New | Preparation of Proposal (Bidders Questionnaire) (September 3, 2024) See WSDOT index for Division 1 for 1-02.6.OPT7.GR1 |
1-02.6 Option A | Rev | Preparation of Proposal (November 25, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. When the Agency requires their own Contractor Certification Wage Law Compliance form (instead of WSDOT Form 272-009). If a minimum bid amount is used for a proposal item use this GSP, as well as APWA GSP 1-03.1. Identify the Minimum Bid amount in the bid item name in the Proposal. For use with a DBE COA Goal and incorporates 1-02.6.OPT3.GR1. Use Option B if the project does not contain a DBE Goal. |
1-02.6 Option B | New | Preparation of Proposal (November 25, 2024 ) May be used on FHWA funded projects when the Agency requires their own Contractor Certification Wage Law Compliance form (instead of WSDOT Form 272-009) or if the Agency requires a Minimum Bid amount. If a minimum bid amount is used for a proposal item, use this GSP, as well as APWA GSP 1-03.1. Identify the Minimum Bid amount in the bid item name in the Proposal. For use with no COA DBE Goal. Use Option A if the project contains a COA DBE Goal. |
1-02.6 Option C | S New | Subcontractor’s List (November 25, 2024) When federal funds are over 1 million must use either WSDOT 1-02.6.OPT8.2026.GR1 or APWA 1-02.6.OptionC. The APWA GSP version references form number 271-015LP or an Agency specific form. For projects under 1 million you may omit the use of the subcontractor’s list by using WSDOT 1-02.6.OPT2.GR1. |
1-02.6(1) | S | Recycled Materials Proposal (January 4, 2016) Must be used by all local government entities with a population of 100,000 or more residents, on all transportation, roadway, street, highway, or other transportation infrastructure projects to comply with RCW 70A.205.700. Include the provided form with the Agency's bidding package. For form, see link above listed under "Local Agency Forms and Documents", titled APWA PIRM. (That Bidder-proposed percentage only affects successful Bidder selection in the case of identical low bid totals.) If used, must also use APWA GSPs 1-03.1(1) and 1-06.6. |
1-02.7 | S | Bid Deposit (March 8, 2013) May be used on FHWA funded projects. |
1-02.9 Option A | CF Rev | Delivery of Proposal (July 8, 2024) Must use option A, B, C or D on FHWA funded projects with a mandatory DBE goal. Use this option when you require the document(s) be submitted in a sealed envelope. Requires the address or drop off location information to appear in the Call for bids. Must use with WSDOT 1-02.6 Opt 3 or APWA 1-02.6.OptionA, WSDOT 1-02.6 Opt 7, APWA 1-03.3 Option B, 1-07.11 Option B, APWA 1-08.1(9). |
1-02.9 Option B | CF Rev | Delivery of Proposal (July 8, 2024) Must use option A, B, C or D on FHWA funded projects with a mandatory DBE goal. Requires the address or drop off location information to appear in the Call for bids. Use of this option provides for submitting the documentation in an envelope, or via fax or e-mail. (3-fill-ins – fax number, e-mail address, or other. Delete options not used.) Must use with WSDOT 1-02.6 Opt 3 or APWA 1-02.6.OptionA, WSDOT 1-02.6 Opt 7, APWA 1-03.3 Option B, 1-07.11 Option B, APWA 1-08.1(9). |
1-02.9 Option C | CF Rev | Delivery of Proposal (July 8, 2024) Must use option A, B, C or D on FHWA funded projects with a mandatory DBE goal. Use of this option provides for submitting the documentation via fax or e-mail only. (2-fill-ins – fax number and/or e-mail address, may use either or both) Must use with WSDOT 1-02.6 Opt 3 or APWA 1-02.6.OptionA, WSDOT 1-02.6 Opt 7, APWA 1-03.3 Option B, 1-07.11 Option B, APWA 1-08.1(9). |
1-02.9 Option D | CF Rev | Delivery of Proposal (July 8, 2024) Must use option A, B, C or D on FHWA funded projects with a mandatory DBE goal. Use of this option provides for submitting the documentation with an Agency Electronic System and alternative hard copy drop off. $$1$$ - Name of Agency Electronic System $$2$$ - Either provide brief instructions for uploading or where to find instructions to use Agency Electronic System $$3$$ - Address for address or drop off location. ($$4$$, $$5$$, $$6$$ - Fill-ins for supplementary bid information – fax number, e-mail address, or other. Delete options not used. Must use with WSDOT 1-02.6 Opt 3 or APWA 1-02.6.OptionA, WSDOT 1-02.6 Opt 7, APWA 1-03.3 Option B, 1-07.11 Option B, APWA 1-08.1(9). |
1-02.10 | S | Withdrawing, Revising, or Supplementing Proposal (July 23, 2015) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use on all projects, to align procedures with most Local Agency practices, rather than WSDOT practice. |
1-02.13 | S Rev | Irregular Proposals (September 3, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. This GSP modifies Standard Specifications for Irregular proposals. This APWA GSP removes language regarding the small and veterans business programs and also modifies the instructions for items 1a-1k indicating that a proposal will be considered irregular and will be rejected. (as opposed to the Standard Specifications that indicate the proposal will be considered irregular and may be rejected. |
1-02.14 Option A | S | Disqualification of Bidders (May 17, 2018) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use Option A if there is not bidder responsibility criteria beyond the mandatory requirements in 1-02.1. If used, also use 1-02.1, 1-02.9, and 1-02.13. |
1-02.14 Option B | S | Disqualification of Bidders (May 17, 2018) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use Option B to add standard Supplemental bidder responsibility criteria, in addition to the mandatory criteria in 1-02.1. If used, also use 1-02.1, 1-02.9, 1-02.13, and 1-05.13. |
1-02.14 Option C | S | Disqualification of Bidders (May 17, 2018) Requires pre-approval on FHWA funded projects, through WSDOT Local Programs. Option C is identical to Option B, and includes a fill in for additional Agency-specific and/or Project-specific Supplemental bidder responsibility criteria. If used, also use 1-02.1, 1-02.1(1), 1-02.9, 1-02.13, and 1-05.13. (4 fill-ins - insert your additional specific Supplemental Criteria, with criteria and documentation required). |
1-02.15 | S | Pre-Award Information (December 30, 2022) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use to require the submittal of a business license as part of the pre-award materials. |
1-03.1 | | Consideration of Bids (December 30, 2022) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use when the proposal requires a minimum bid amount for a Proposal Item. If used, also use 1-02.6 Option B. |
1-03.1(1) | CS | Identical Bid Totals (December 30, 2022) Must be used by all local government entities with a population of 100,000 or more residents, on all transportation, roadway, street, highway, or other transportation infrastructure projects to comply with RCW 70A.205.700. If used, must also use APWA GSPs 1-02.6(1) and 1-06.6. |
1-03.3 Option A | Rev | Execution of Contract (July 8, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. $$$1$$$ - number of calendar days to return documents $$$2$$$ - number additional calendar days for return of documents |
1-03.3 Option B | CF New | Execution of Contract (July 8, 2024) Must be used on federally funded projects with a mandatory COA DBE Goal. The GSP provides information on where trucking forms are to be delivered when a contractor elects to use trucking. $$$1$$$ - delivery of truck credit form by email Include Local Agency OEO email representative and WSDOT Regional OECR email address: Eastern Region – North Central Region – Northwest Region – Olympic Region – South Central Region – Southwest Region – $$$2$$$ - delivery of truck credit form by mail $$$3$$$ - Other option for delivery Delete options $$2$$ or $$3$$ if not used. Must use with WSDOT 1-02.6 Opt 3 or APWA 1-02.6.OptionA, WSDOT 1-02.6 Opt 7, APWA1-02.9 Option (A, B, C, or D), 1-07.11 Option B, APWA 1-08.1(9). |
1-03.4 | | Contract Bond (July 23, 2015) May be used on FHWA funded projects. This GSP allows for use of either a combined Contract Bond or the separate Local Agency Payment Bond and Performance Bond; it also adds clarity on the responsibilities of the Surety, to better protect the Local Agency. |
1-03.4(1) | | Retainage in Lieu of Bond (May 17, 2018) Not approved. May be used on Local funded projects only. Use on contracts under $150,000 where your agency will allow 10% withholding in lieu of performance bond. (2 fill-ins - insert contract amount up to $150,000 and percentage of withholding up to 10%) Use only if your agency allows this practice. |
1-03.7 | | Judicial Review (December 30, 2022) May be used on FHWA funded projects. |
1-04.2 | S | Coordination of Contract Documents, Plans, Special Provisions, Specifications, and Addenda (December 30, 2022) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use to add your published local agency Standard Plans/Details to the order of precedence. |
1-04.4 | | Changes (January 19, 2022) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Deletes references to electronic signatures and the requirement for the local agency to provide software to complete electronic signatures. |
1-04.4(1) | | Minor Changes (May 30, 2019) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use if you desire a different upper limit than $25,000 for a minor change and no change to scope and time. (1-fill-in – insert the limit allowed for each change – on FHWA funded projects; not to exceed $25,000) |
1-04.5 | | Procedure, Protest, and Dispute by the Contractor (January 19, 2022) Not approved. May be used on Local funded projects only. This GSP is intended to be used when modifying the number of calendar days, which the contractor is allowed to file a written protest. 1 fill-in (insert the number of calendar days which the contractor is allowed to file a written protest on Local funded projects you are allowed to fill in 3-14) |
1-04.6 | | Variation in Estimated Quantities (May 25, 2006) Not approved. May be used on Local funded projects only. May be used separately or with either 1-04.6 Option A or B (1+ fill-ins) Prohibits re-negotiation of unit prices for bid items you list in the GSP. Use where there is likelihood of variable quantities. |
1-04.6 Option A | | Variation in Estimated Quantities Option A (December 30, 2022) Not approved for FHWA projects. Do not use on FHWA funded projects. (1 fill-in) Limits adjustments to unit prices in case of quantity overrun/underrun to bid items over a specified dollar amount. |
1-04.6 Option B | | Variation in Estimated Quantities Option B (December 30, 2022) Not approved for FHWA projects. Do not use on FHWA funded projects. (1 fill-in) Limits adjustments to unit prices in case of quantity overrun/underrun to bid items with value equal to or greater than 10% of the total contract bid price. |
1-05.4 Option A | | Conformity With and Deviations from Plans and Stakes - Roadway and Utility Surveys (November 25, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. May be used with or without other 1-05.4 APWA GSPs. Does not include a lump sum bid item. Use if you have Contracting Agency-provided initial control and staking. |
1-05.4 Option B | | Conformity With and Deviations from Plans and Stakes - Bridge and Structure Surveys (November 25, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. May be used with or without other 1-05.4 APWA GSPs. Does not include a lump sum bid item. Use if you have Contracting Agency-provided initial primary survey control. |
1-05.4 Option C | Rev | Conformity With and Deviations from Plans and Stakes - Contracting Agency Provided Construction Staking (November 25, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. May be used with or without other 1-05.4 APWA GSPs. Does not include a lump sum bid item. Use if you have Contracting Agency-provided initial control and staking. May add fill in ($$1$$) for additional staking item(s). |
1-05.4 Option D | New | Conformity and Deviations with Plans and Stakes - Contractor Surveying – ADA Features (November 25, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. May be used with or without other 1-05.4 APWA GSPs. Use if the Contractor will be providing ADA Features Surveying. |
1-05.7 | S | Removal of Defective and Unauthorized Work (October 1, 2005) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Adds guidelines for the removal of defective or unauthorized work. |
1-05.11 | S | Final Inspection (October 1, 2005) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Defines what is required for Substantial Completion, Final Inspection, Physical Completion, and Operational Testing. |
1-05.12(1) | | One-Year Guarantee Period (March 8, 2013) Not approved for FHWA Projects. Not eligible for federal funding reimbursement. This GSP specifies a guarantee period and allows for it without limiting the Contracting Agency’s rights under the law. This language belongs in Division 1, not in the Performance Bond. |
1-05.13 | | Superintendents, Labor and Equipment of Contractor (August 14, 2013) May be used on FHWA funded projects. This GSP deletes references to Contractor ratings and prequalification, Local Agencies are not allowed to prequalify. |
1-05.15 | S Rev | Method of Serving Notice (January 4, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Allows the option for certified mail delivery of notices. Electronic delivery will not constitute notice. |
1-05.16 | | Water and Power (October 1, 2005) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Adds a new section to require contractor to bear the costs for power and water unless provided as pay item. |
1-05.18 | | Record Drawings (March 8, 2013) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use when you wish the Contractor to markup and prepare Final Record Drawings and submit in paper copy. (1 fill-in – suggest from $5,000 to $50,000 depending on project size) |
1-06 OPT1(A) | MF | Buy America Applies to Federally funded projects that have federal funding in phases other than Construction unless the project is eligible for a small grants waiver. See WSDOT index for Division 1 |
1-06 OPT2(A) | MF | Build America/Buy America Applies to Federally funded projects that have funding in the Construction phase unless the project is eligible for a small grants waiver. See WSDOT index for Division 1 |
1-06.1(4) | | Fabrication Inspection Expense (June 27, 2011) NOT approved for FHWA funded projects. This GSP deletes 1-06.1(14). Deleting this section will require local agencies to fully pay for expenses to approve materials or plants in fabrication locations that are beyond 300 miles from Seattle, WA. |
1-06.2(2)B | New | Financial Incentive (January 4, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use this GSP if you want to limit the incentive to a maximum of 1.0. |
1-06.6 | S | Recycled Materials (January 4, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Must be use this GSP on all projects to comply with RCW 70A.205.700. If not used, Agency will be held to the standard specifications, which requires that 25 % of aggregates/concrete on the project be recycled (Required to comply with RCW 70A.205.700). Local Agencies, by this law, are required to encourage (but do not have to mandate) use of recycled materials in their projects. |
1-07.1 | S | Laws to be Observed (October 1, 2005) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use on all projects, to align safety procedures with most Local Agency practices, rather than WSDOT practice. |
1-07.2 | S | State Sales Tax (June 27, 2011) May be used on FHWA funded projects. |
1-07.9(3) | MS New | Apprentices (July 8, 2024) Not Approved for FHWA funded projects. Only use on Local/State funded projects when the Engineer's Estimate is $2,000,000 or more. Check with your funding partner for approval to use with other federal funding programs. Must use with 1-07.9(5)A Required Documents, 1-08.0 Preliminary Matters and 1-08.0(1) Preconstruction Conference. Per RCW 39.04.302, this GSP includes a requirement that 15 percent of all labor hours be performed by apprentices. Awarding entities may adjust the 15 percent requirement for a specific project for the following reasons: (a) The demonstrated lack of availability of apprentices in specific geographic areas. (b) A disproportionately high ratio of material costs to labor hours, which does not make feasible the required minimum levels of apprentice participation. (c) Other criteria the awarding entity deems appropriate, which are subject to review by the office of the governor or by the municipality's legislative authority if the awarding entity is a municipality. Seven fill-ins: $$1$$ -- Fill in the amount of the incentive. Engineer's Estimate Range Suggested Amount $2,000,000 to <$5,000,000 $2,000 $5,000,000 to <$10,000,000 $5,000 Over $10,000,000 $10,000 $$2$$ to $$7$$ - Fill in the amounts of the Penalty per hour of unmet goal. (suggested penalty below) % of Goal Met Penalty/Hour of Unmet Goal 100% $0.00 90% to 99% $2.00 75% to 89% $3.50 50% to 74% $5.00 1% to 49% $7.50 0% $10.00 |
1-07.9(5)A | MF | Required Documents (July 8, 2024) Must be used on all Federal Aid projects. Requires that the statements of intent include a signed Statement of Compliance for Federal-aid projects |
1-07.11 Opt1 | MF | Requirements for Affirmative Action to Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity Must use in all Federally funded projects exceeding 10,000 in Construction Cost. See WSDOT Division 1 Index |
1-07.11 Option A* | CF | Requirements for Nondiscrimination (October 1, 2020) Must be used on all Federal Aid projects. *Use when WSDOT Local Programs has given you a determination of "No COA DBE goals". Do not use WSDOT GSP 1-07.11.OPT2.GR1. |
1-07.11 Option B | CF Rev | Requirements for Nondiscrimination (September 3, 2024) Must use on FHWA funded projects when WSDOT Local Programs has given you a DBE COA goal. (2 fill-ins) $$1$$ = DBE COA Goal $$2$$ = Include Agency OEO representative and applicable OECR Regional email address where trucking logs are to be delivered: Eastern Region – North Central Region – Northwest Region – Olympic Region – South Central Region – Southwest Region – Must use with WSDOT 1-02.6 Opt 3, WSDOT 1-02.6 Opt 7, APWA 1‑02.9 Option (A, B, C, or D), APWA 1-03.3 Option B and APWA 1-08.1 Option B and APWA 1-08.1(9). |
1-07.11 Option C | CS | Requirements for Nondiscrimination (July 18, 2016) Must be used on all State funded Connecting Washington, Bike/Ped, and Safe Routes to School projects $500,000 and over that are issued through the WSDOT Local Programs Office. |
1-07.11 Option D | CF | Requirements for Nondiscrimination (December 19, 2019) Must use on FHWA funded projects when WSDOT Local Programs has given you a FSBE goal. (2 fill-ins) For email addresses: Eastern Region – North Central Region – Northwest Region – Olympic Region – South Central Region – Southwest Region – |
1-07.11 Opt4 | CF | Training Must use in all Federally funded projects when a goal has been assigned. See WSDOT Division 1 Index |
1-07.11(2) | New | Contractual Requirements (November 25, 2024) Deletes 1-07.11(2) #11 that was added to standard specifications as requirement of RCW 49.60.530. This additional nondiscrimination language is not mandatory for local agencies and may be deleted by including this GSP. |
1-07.18 | S Rev | Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance (January 4, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use this GSP for standard insurance requirements and coverage. Optional or higher coverage limits may be justified by submitting justification from your agency risk manager, See 1-07.18(5) Options D through K. (1+ fill-ins – list as many entities as needed) |
1-07.18(5)D | | Excess or Umbrella Liability (January 4, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use this GSP to provide additional CGL and Auto coverage, depending on the size of the project and your Agency's risk analysis. Consult your Agency Risk Manager to determine if this insurance is needed, and if so, what limits are required. (Amounts exceeding construction phase total, require justification submitted to HQ LP) (1 fill-in) |
1-07.18(5)E | | LHWCA Insurance (January 4, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use this GSP if Contractor and/or subcontractors will be working on, over or adjacent to, or contributing to commerce on, "Navigable Waters of the United States". Consult your Agency Risk Manager to determine if this insurance is needed. |
1-07.18(5)F | | Protection & Indemnity Insurance Including Jones Act (January 4, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use this GSP if it is anticipated watercraft will be used in this project. Consult your Agency Risk Manager to determine if this insurance is needed. |
1-07.18(5)G | | Hull and Machinery (January 4, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use this GSP if it is anticipated watercraft will be used in this project Consult your Agency Risk Manager to determine if this insurance is needed. |
1-07.18(5)H | | Marine Pollution (January 4, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use this GSP if the Project involves work near or on water, and there may be the possibility of a pollution event. Consult your Agency Risk Manager to determine if this insurance is needed. |
1-07.18(5)I | | Builder's Risk (December 30, 2022) May be used on FHWA funded projects with justification. Requires pre-approval on FHWA funded projects, through WSDOT/Local Programs. Use this GSP to provide builder's risk coverage for protection from loss or damage to a structure or other related property in the course of construction, if your Agency is not going to provide that coverage. This insurance is typically required for new buildings and structures. Consult your Agency Risk Manager to determine if this insurance is needed and determine fill-in amounts. Four fill-ins: $$1$$ -- Cost of the project/portion to be insured $$2$$ -- Fill in your estimated amount, or if you do not want soft costs covered, say “n/a” $$3$$ -- Fill in amount of coverage desired, or put “n/a” if you don’t want/need coverage for this type of event $$4$$ -- Fill in amount of coverage desired, or put “n/a” if you don’t want/need coverage for this type of event |
1-07.18(5)J | | Pollution Liability (January 4, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use this GSP to provide coverage for environmental hazards arising from remediation projects, construction at contaminated properties, or adjacent to properties known to be contaminated, hauling for hazardous materials away from a project site, or where known environmental conditions may exist. Consult your Agency Risk Manager to determine if this insurance is needed and determine fill-in amount. (1 fill-in - amount of coverage desired) |
1-07.18(5)K | | Professional Liability (December 30, 2022) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use this GSP to provide additional coverage, depending on your Agency's risk analysis, and if design services are part of the Contractor's work. Consult your Agency Risk Manager to determine if this insurance is needed. |
1-07.23(1) | | Construction Under Traffic (May 2, 2017) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use to allow other options than leaving Pedestrian Push Buttons accessible during construction. |
1-07.24 | | Rights of Way (July 23, 2015) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Recommended use on all projects. Defines contractors' requirements regarding right of way and notifications. |
1-08.0 | | Preliminary Matters (May 25, 2006) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use this GSP if you use 1-08.0(1) or 1-08.0(2). |
1-08.0(1) | | Preconstruction Conference (July 8, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. If used, must also use 1-08.0. |
1-08.0(2) | | Hours of Work (December 8, 2014) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use this GSP if the Contracting Agency wants to have more control over the Contractor's working hours, due to Agency staff scheduling constraints, etc. (1 fill-in - on FHWA funded projects, you are allowed to vary from 12 hours to 5 working days) If used, must also use 1-08.0. |
1-08.1 Option A | | Subcontracting (December 30, 2022) Must be used on FHWA funded projects and non-federally funded projects with Connecting Washington funding at or over $500,000. Do not use WSDOT GSP 1-08.1.OPT1.GR1. |
1-08.1(7)A | Rev | Payment Reporting (November 25, 2024 ) Do not use on FHWA funded projects and Connecting Washington funded projects. Use on non-FHWA and non-Connecting Washington funded projects to remove the Diversity Management and Compliance System (DMCS) Reporting. |
1-08.1(8)B | New | Clauses Required in Subcontracts of All Tiers (November 25, 2024) Deletes item #8 of 1-08.1(8)B of the standard specifications. RCW 49.60.530 did not require local agencies add additional nondiscrimination language. |
1-08.1(9) | CF NEW | Submittal of Executed DBE Subcontracts November 25, 2024) Must use on FHWA funded projects when WSDOT Local Programs has given you a DBE COA goal. This GSP requires the Contractor to submit DBE Subcontracts to WSDOT OECR and the Local Agency OEO representative. (2 fill-ins) $$1$$ = Local Agency OEO representative $$2$$ = Regional email address where subcontracts are to be delivered: Eastern Region – North Central Region – Northwest Region – Olympic Region – South Central Region – Southwest Region – Must use with WSDOT 1-02.6 Opt 3 or APWA 1-02.6 Option A, WSDOT 1-02.6 Opt 7, APWA 1‑02.9 Option (A, B, C, or D), 1-03.3 Option B, and 1-07.11 Option B. |
1-08.3(2)A | | Type A Progress Schedule (December 30, 2022) May be used on FHWA projects. (1 fill-in - on FHWA funded projects; you may fill in up to 10 copies, but no more.) If used, consider also using 1-08.0(1). |
1-08.3(2)B | Rev | Type B Progress Schedule (January 4, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. (1 fill-in - on FHWA funded projects; you may fill in up to 10 copies, but no more.) If used, consider also using 1-08.0(1). |
1-08.3(2)D | New | Preliminary Progress Schedule (January 4, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. (1 fill-in - on FHWA funded projects; you may fill in up to 10 copies, but no more.) If used, consider also using 1-08.0(1). |
1-08.4 | | Notice to Proceed and Prosecution of the Work (July 23, 2015) May be used on FHWA funded projects. If used, also use 1-01.3. |
1-08.5 Option A | Rev | Time for Completion (November 25, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use when you want to start the charge of working days immediately following the Notice to Proceed Date. |
1-08.5 Option B | Rev | Time for Completion (November 25, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use when you want to delay the charge of working days on a project to allow for material order lead time, etc. (1 fill-in - On FHWA-funded projects, you may fill in up to 30 calendar days, but no more.) |
1-08.9 Option A | | Liquidated Damages (March 3, 2021) May be used on FHWA funded projects and must be approved by HQ LP. This GSP is intended to be used with APWA GSP 1-01.3 which defines Substantial Completion a bit differently than the Standard Specifications. Use this Liquidated Damages Calculation Sheet to determine the fill-in amount. |
1-08.9 Option B | | Liquidated Damages (March 03, 2021) Not approved for FHWA projects. This GSP re-institutes the liquidated damages formula removed from the WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications in 2020. |
1-09.2(1) Option A | S Rev | General Requirements for Weighing Equipment (Scale Operations) (July 8, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. May be used with or without the other APWA 1-09.2(1) Option B and/or C GSPs. Use this GSP when the Contracting Agency wishes to operate the scale and weighing operation, instead of the Contractor doing it. It also removes the E-Tickets requirement. |
1-09.2(1) Option B | S Rev | General Requirements for Weighing Equipment (Revises Scaleman Report - #4) November 25, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. May be used with or without the APWA 1-09.2(1) Option A and/or C GSPs. This GSP removes the requirement for Scaleman's Daily Reports under certain circumstances. |
1-09.2(1) Option C | S New | General Requirements for Weighing Equipment (Revises Trucks & Tickets) (July 8, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. May be used with or without the other APWA 1-09.2(1) Option A and/or B GSPs. This GSP allows for the option of requiring a physical ticket for all weighed materials. |
1-09.2(5) | S | Measurement (December 30, 2022) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use to remove the requirement for the Engineer to verify the accuracy of each scale once a week. |
1-09.6 | S | Force Account (December 30, 2022) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use when there are bid items paid by Force Account. |
1-09.7 | S | Mobilization (December 30, 2022) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use if the Contract has multiple bid schedules, each including mobilization, and wish to pay mobilization based on work completed in each schedule rather than the total original Contract. |
1-09.9 Option A | S | Payments (LS Breakdown) (July 8, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. May be used with or without the other 1-09.9 APWA GSP. Use if you do not want Contractor to submit a breakdown for lump sum items bid at less than $20,000. |
1-09.9 Option B | S | Payments (July 8, 2024) May be used on FHWA funded projects. May be used with or without 1-09.9 (LS Breakdown). Use this GSP if you feel this method of describing the progress payment process ties more closely with your Agency practice. |
1-09.9(1) | MF | Retainage Must use in all Federally funded projects. See WSDOT Division 1 Index Must include 1-09.GR1, 1-09.9(1).GR1, 1-09.0(1).INST1.GR1, 1-09.9(1).OPT1.GR1 |
1-09.11(3) | S | Time Limitation and Jurisdiction (December 30, 2022) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use when you want to specify that all claims or causes of actions shall be brought forward by the Contractor within 180 calendar days of Final Acceptance, and when you want to specify the jurisdiction be the Superior Court of the county where your agency is headquartered. |
1-09.13(1)A | S | General (December 30, 2022) Not approved for FHWA projects. Use on Local funded projects only. Use when you want to require that claims for $1M or less be resolved by litigation unless both parties agree to binding arbitration. |
1-09.13(3)A | S | Arbitration General (January 19, 2022) May be used on FHWA funded projects. This GSP must be used with APWA GSP 1-03.7. Revises WSDOT Standard Specifications by changing the venue from Thurston County to the county in which the contracting agency is located. (RCW 36.01.050). |
1-09.13(4) | S | Venue for Litigation (December 30, 2022) May be used on FHWA funded projects. This GSP must be used with APWA GSP 1-03.7. Revises WSDOT Standard Specifications by changing the venue from Thurston County to the county in which the contracting agency is located. (RCW 36.01.050). |
1-10.3(1)B | New | Other Traffic Control Labor; Uniformed Police Officer (November 25, 2024) Use on projects where the traffic control plans show Uniformed Police Officers performing traffic control-related duties. (Fill-in) The fill-ins must provide three contacts law enforcement agencies. Must use with APWA 1-10.4(2) and APWA 1-10.5(2). Include WSDOT heading 1-10.3.GR1 (Traffic Control Labor, Procedures and Devices ). |
1-10.4(2) | New | Item Bids With Lump Sum for Incidentals (November 25, 2024) Use on projects where the traffic control plans show Uniformed Police Officers performing traffic control-related duties. Must use with APWA 1-10.3(1)B and APWA 1-10.5(2). Include WSDOT heading 1-10.4.GR1. |
1-10.5(1) | | Lump Sum Bid for Project (No Unit Items) (December 30, 2022) Requires approval on FHWA funded projects. Use when you require a minimum bid for this pay item. If used, you must also identify the minimum bid amount under the bid item in the proposal. If used, also use 1-02.6 Option B and 1-03.1. (1 fill-in) |
1-10.5(2) Option A | Rev | Item Bids with Lump Sum for Incidentals (November 25, 2024) Requires approval on FHWA funded projects. Use when you require minimum bids for the pay items listed. If used, you must also identify the minimum bid amount under the bid item in the Proposal. If used, also use 1-02.6 Option B and 1-03.1 (2 fill-ins) |
1-10.5(2) Option B | New | Item Bids with Lump Sum for Incidentals (November 25, 2024) Use on projects where the traffic control plans show Uniformed Police Officers performing traffic control-related duties. Must use with APWA 1-10.3(1)B and APWA 1-10.4(2). Include WSDOT heading 1-10.5.GR1. |
| The GSPs listed below are provided for the sole use of Local Agencies - these APWA GSPs may NOT be used on WSDOT projects. |
2-06.3(3) | | Subgrade for Permeable Pavements PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (March 9, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. For use when specifying Permeable pavement. Please read notes before using. |
2-06.5 | | Subgrade for Permeable Pavements PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (March 9, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. For use when specifying Permeable pavement. Please read notes before using. |
4-04.2(9-03.9(2)) Option 1 | | Permeable Ballast PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (March 9, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. For use when specifying Permeable pavement. Please read notes before using. |
4-04.2(9-03.9(2)) Option 2 | | Crushed Surfacing Choker Course PHMA/PWMA (March 9, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use when specifying Permeable pavements. Please read notes before using. |
4-04.2(9-03.9(2)) Option 3 | | Aggregates for Permeable Base PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (March 9, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Must use with APWA GSP 4-04.2(9-03.9(2)).Opt1 and/or 4-04.2(9-03.9(2)).Opt2. Please read notes before using. |
4-04.3(5) | | Shaping and Compaction PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (March 9, 2016) Use when specifying Porous HMA or Pervious Concrete. Because of the high void content in the aggregates, there will be some displacement of the aggregate surface under load. Crushed Surfacing Choker Course is used to minimize the displacement in preparation for paving. The use of Asphalt Treated Permeable Base (ATPB) directly over the Permeable Ballast Base Course eliminates the need for Crushed Surfacing Choker Course. Please read notes before using. |
4-04.4 | | Measurement PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (March 9, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use when specifying Crushed Surfacing Choker Course. Please read notes before using. |
4-04.5 | | Payment PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (March 9, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use when specifying Crushed Surfacing Choker Course. Please read notes before using. |
4-SA1 | | Asphalt Treated Base (ATB) (May 5, 2015) May be used on FHWA funded projects. |
4-SA2 | Rev
| Asphalt Treated Permeable Base (ATPB) PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (January 26, 2023) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Optional - May be used as a Base for Porous Hot Mix Asphalt, when used, also use 2-06.3(3). Please read notes before using. |
5-04 | Rev | Hot Mix Asphalt (January 31, 2023) Use on all projects utilizing the APWA HMA Specifications. May be used on FHWA funded projects. |
5-04.1 | | Description PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (March 9, 2016) Hot Mix Asphalt May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use when specifying Porous HMA. Please read notes before using. |
5-04.2(9-03.8) | | Materials PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (March 9, 2016) Aggregates for Porous Hot Mix Asphalt/Porous Warm Mix Asphalt (PHMA/PWMA) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use when specifying Porous HMA. Please read notes before using. |
5-04.3 | | Construction Requirements PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (March 9, 2016) Porous Asphalt (PHMA/PWMA) Acceptance Filtration Test May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use when specifying Porous HMA. Please read notes before using. |
5-04.3(1) | | Hot Mix Asphalt Mixing Plant PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (March 9, 2016) Fiber Supply System May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use when specifying Porous HMA. Please read notes before using. |
5-04.3(7)A | | Mix Design PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (March 9, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use when specifying Porous HMA. Please read notes before using. |
5-04.3(8)A1 Option 2 | | General PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (March 9, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use when specifying Porous HMA. Please read notes before using. |
5-04.3(8)A6 Option 2 | | PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (March 9, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Please read notes before using. |
5-04.3(9) | | Spreading and Finishing PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (March 9, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use when specifying Porous HMA. Please read notes before using. |
5-04.3(10)A | | General PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (March 9, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use when specifying Porous HMA. Please read notes before using. |
5-04.4 | | Measurement PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (March 9, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use when specifying Porous HMA. Please read notes before using. |
5-04.5 | | Payment PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (March 9, 2016) May be used on FHWA funded projects. Use when specifying Porous HMA. Please read notes before using. |
5-06.SA | Rev
| Pervious Concrete Pavement PHMA/PWMA/PConcrete (January 31, 2023) May be used on FHWA funded projects. When used, include 2-06.3(3), 4-04.2(9-03.9(2)).Opt1, or 4-04.2(9-03.9(2)).Opt1 and 4-SA2 or 4-04.2(9-03.9(2)).Opt2 as sub base and base courses. Please read notes before using. |
9-03.6 | | Aggregates for Asphalt Treated Base (ATB) (May 5, 2015) May be used on FHWA funded projects. |