• Contract

SR 9, Marsh Road to 2nd Street Vic - Widening & Bridge Painting

Contract summary

Constructing two new south bound lanes and two new south bound bridges, cleaning and painting the metal surfaces of the bridge, illumination, traffic signals, ITS, signing, retaining walls, stormwater facilities, drainage, planing bituminous pavement, hot mix asphalt paving, pavement markings, Americans with Disabilities Act features, roadside restoration, temporary erosion control, temporary traffic control and other work. 600 working days. Involves 239 items. Work class 6.

Public Works
Publication Date
Contract status
Contract ID
Snohomish County
Submittal due date and time
Estimated value
$80,000,000 - $90,000,000
Funding source
A state funded project with a 5% small business enterprise goal and a 3% veteran-owned business goal.
Shawn Wendt
Project Engineer