Traffic: Illumination, Traffic Signals and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Requirements and standards for highway lighting systems, traffic signal systems, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), including related electrical equipment and roadside power distribution systems.

Design Manual (M22-01)Chapter 1040 - Illumination (PDF 1.36MB)

Design Manual (M22-01), Chapter 1050 - Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) (PDF 1.2MB) 

Design Manual (M22-01), Chapter 1330 - Traffic Control Signals (PDF 1.5MB)

Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Part 4 - Highway Traffic Signals

Roadside Electrical and Electronic Systems (REES) Standards

The WSDOT Roadside Electrical and Electronic Systems (REES) Standards are a series of standards for roadside electrical systems such as roadside power distribution, illumination, traffic signals, and ITS equipment specific to WSDOT owned, operated and maintained systems.  As each standard is completed it will be provided here.

WSDOT REES Standard E1 - Roadside Power Distribution (PDF 560KB); provides guidance on power distribution from electrical service cabinets to lighting, traffic signal, ITS, and related devices, and includes information for developing electrical service agreement documentation.

WSDOT REES Standard P2 - Advance Warning Systems (PDF 2.87 MB); provides guidance on prepare to stop when flashing (PTSWF) systems, intersection conflict warning systems (ICWS), and rail crossing warning systems (RCWS).

REES Technical Notes

REES Technical Notes are provided as technical support and guidance for meeting Design Manual or REES standards.  These technical notes may be incorporated into other standards as part of future manual updates.

WSDOT REES Technical Note TL1 - Vertical Illuminance Grids for Crosswalks (PDF 431KB); This technical note provides guidance on placing vertical illumination calculation grids for crosswalk lighting analysis as required by WSDOT Design Manual Section 1040.10.

See all manuals and standards

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.