• Study

I-5 Study

Planning study news

The I-5 Master Plan is now coordinating with the Cascadia High-Speed Rail study to address the future transportation needs of Western Washington communities. The integrated Cascadia High-Speed Rail and I-5 Program allows us to look holistically at highway, rail, and other travel options.

In progress
Intended $40,000,000


In Spring 2022, the Legislature initiated the Move Ahead Washington funding package to create planning and environmental linkages (PEL) studies for Interstate 5, providing the framework for a border-to-border I-5 Master Plan PEL Study. WSDOT then began initial planning and data collection and launched the I-5 Master Plan process earlier this year. To date, the I-5 Program has completed six legislative studies and reports and initiated the master planning/PEL study process to advance toward a vision for I-5.

The I-5 Study area; the study will assess the corridor and provide PEL and HOV system recommendations and conduct an initial seismic risk assessment and recommend future analysis.