WSDOT Aviation grant recipients 2013

View WSDOT Aviation grant recipients from 2013-2015.

Airport Aid Grant Awards (2013-2015 Biennium)

2013 - WSDOT's Airport Aid Grant Program awards $25.4 million in state, federal and local grants

OLYMPIA - The Washington State Department of Transportation's (WSDOT) Airport Aid Grant Program used $897,839 in state funds to leverage nearly $22 million in federal grants for Washington airports during the first round of grants in the 2013-2015 biennium. The combined state, federal and local grants for this round totaled $25.4 million for airport projects.

Funding breakdown

  • Federal - $21,970,905.44
  • State - $1,877,945.98
  • Local - $1,569,164.75
  • Total - $25,441,940.22

Sixty-nine percent of the state funds awarded in this round of grant projects are focused on pavement. Maintenance and preservation of runway, taxiway and apron pavements represents one of the largest capital investments in the aviation system. Ongoing pavement maintenance is critical because repairs are much more costly once the condition deteriorates below a certain level. Therefore WSDOT places a priority on funding airport pavement projects to preserve facilities and improve safety.

Projects awarded

  • 26 pavement - $1,302,122.59
  • 15 safety - $378,201.09
  • 10 planning - $187,872.30
  • 2 security - $9,750.00

Exact grant amounts are subject to change according to final project bid totals and construction quantities.

Forty-four airports applied for more than $3.1 million in funding during this grant cycle. WSDOT's Airport Aid grant program is funded through an 11-cent-per gallon fee on aviation fuel, along with aircraft registration fees.

WSDOT anticipates soliciting applications for the second round of 2013-2015 biennium grants in March and April 2014. Award notifications for that round of grants is targeted for the week of June 2, 2014.

2013 Airport Grants by airport

Airport Sponsor Associated




Project Description State $ Federal $
Arlington Municipal City of Arlington Arlington Taxiway A Lighting and Signs


47,445.00 1,077,214.00
Auburn Municipal City of Auburn Auburn Pavement Maintenance - Runway, Taxiway, and Aprons (Design) / Master Plan Update / Wildlife Hazard Assessment


13,653.86 245,769.55
Anderson Field City of Brewster Brewster Install NAVAIDs - Rotating Beacon, Lighted Wind Cone, Tilt Down Pole, and Segmented Circle


7,275.00 130,950.00
Skagit Regional Port of Skagit Burlington Runway 10/28 Crown Conversion and Slope Correction - Completion / Environmental, Permitting, and Pre-Design for Runway 11 Approach Safety Area Grading / Security Camera


17,143.50 405,102.00
Mears Field Town of Concrete Concrete Runway Pavement Repairs


Darrington Municipal Town of Darrington Darrington Acquisition of Property and Structure Located in Object Free Area (OFA)


Desert Aire Grant County Airport District No. 1 Mattawa Runway Reconstruction and Widening: Phases 1 and 2 - Safety Area Grading and Materials


Grand Coulee Dam Grant County Port District No. 7 Electric City Snow Removal Equipment Acquisition and Shelter Building Construction


24,258.68 453,756.29
Ephrata Municipal Port of Ephrata Ephrata Parallel Taxiway 'B' and Taxiway 'A-2' Reconstruction


112,098.60 2,017,774.80
Friday Harbor Port of Friday Harbor Friday Harbor Upgraded Electrical Systems, Runway and Taxiway Markings for Tie-Down Relocation, and Runway 34 Object Free Area Grading - Design


9,022.05 162,396.90
Lind Municipal Town of Lind Lind Airfield Lighting Improvements - Runway Edge Lights, Threshold Lights, PAPI, Rotating Beacon, and Wind Cone - Design and Construction Engineering Services


Lynden Municipal City of Lynden Lynden Runway Depression Repair


Moses Lake Municipal City of Moses Lake Moses Lake Runway 16/34 Rehabilitation - Project Planning and Formulation, Design Engineering, Bidding and Contract Award, and Construction Oversight


Ocean Shores Municipal City of Ocean Shores Ocean Shores Windsock Base and Pole / Security Camera / Pilot Radio Control Equipment / Runway Maintenance


10,630.00 105,836.00
Odessa Municipal Town of Odessa Odessa Road Relocation and Beacon Replacement


17,846.38 321,234.87
Okanogan Legion City of Okanogan Okanogan Pavement Maintenance - Runway, Connector Taxiway, and Apron / Runway Hold Sign


Olympia Regional Port of Olympia Olympia Taxiway C and Portion of Taxiway W Rehabilitation and Terminal Entrance Widening / Acquisition of Taxilane G


123,552.17 2,223,938.98
Packwood Lewis County Packwood Runway Improvements Project; Phase 1 - Runway Safety Area Alternatives Analysis and Phase 2 - Design and Environmental Documentation


8,526.75 153,481.00
Pullman-Moscow Regional City of Pullman Pullman Runway Relocation Environmental Assessment


131,960.22 2,920,708.00
Pierce County - Thun Field Pierce County Puyallup Runway 16/34 LED REIL / Pavement Maintenance - Runway and Taxiway


6,750.00 121,500.00
Quincy Municipal Port of Quincy Quincy Irrigation Culvert Modifications, Runway 27 Threshold Displacement, and Airfield Pavement Maintenance - Design and Construction Engineering Services


Ferry County (Merritt Field)


Ferry County Republic Runway Pavement Maintenance


Pru Field City of Ritzville Ritzville Airfield Pavement Maintenance


15,279.00 275,018.00
Lake Union Seaport City of Seattle Seattle Permitting, Acquisition, and Installation of Navigational Buoy System to Warn of Approaching Aircraft


Sanderson Field Port of Shelton Shelton Runway 5/23 Slurry Seal / Fencing Improvements / Apron Rehabilitation


45,670.61 822,070.90
Harvey Field Harvey Field Snohomish Airfield Pavement Maintenance


Tacoma Narrows Pierce County Tacoma Master Plan Update / Pavement Maintenance - Taxiway and Apron


18,947.50 341,055.00
South Lewis County Lewis County


Toledo Master Plan Update


6,377.70 121,176.30
Pearson Field City of Vancouver Vancouver Pavement Rehabilitation - Runway, Taxiway, and Apron / Install Guidance Signs / Install NAVAIDS


16,320.69 293,772.46
Pangborn Memorial Ports of Chelan and Douglas Counties


Wenatchee Pavement Restoration - Taxiway 'A' at Runway 7/25


4,678.10 84,205.77
Wilbur Municipal Town of Wilbur Wilbur Taxilane Construction and Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS)


20,153.61 409,889.00
Yakima Air Terminal City of Yakima Yakima Taxiway 'A' & Connectors and Terminal Apron Rehabilitation


250,000.00 9,284,055.62
Bandera / Easton / Lake Wenatchee / Sullivan Lake / Woodland


WSDOT Aviation Bandera / Easton / Leavenworth / Metaline Falls / Woodland Airport Layout Plans


      Total Grant Funding 1,877,945.98 21,970,905.44


Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.