Land use & transportation planning
View a list of transportation planning-related resources for updating local government comprehensive plans.
Growth Management Act (GMA) Comprehensive Plan resources
The following resources assist cities and counties with their Growth Management Act (GMA) Comprehensive Plan updates.
- WSDOT Multimodal Level of Service Guidance (PDF 128KB)
- WSDOT Community Collaboration Resource Guide (PDF 865KB)
- Growth Management Act periodic update
- WSDOT Build Assumptions for Travel Demand Model Updates (PDF 182KB)
- Transportation Funding Sources in Washington State
- WSDOT Assistance to Local Governments by Providing Crash Data (PDF 643KB)
- Puget Sound Regional Council's guide to conducting equitable community engagement
- Principles Governing State Agency Correspondence on Growth Management (PDF 185KB)
- WSDOT SEPA Contacts
- The Case for Reducing Vehicle Miles Traveled (PDF 144)
Comprehensive plan support
- Central Puget Sound - Management of Mobility Planning:
- Eastern Region Planning:
- North Central Region Planning:
- Northwest Mt. Baker Area Planning:
- Olympic Region Planning:
- South Central Region Planning:
- Southwest Planning:
Data sources
- State transportation GIS data for your GMA inventory: WSDOT Community Planning Portal.
- Summaries of collision, travel GIS, and instructions for requesting custom reports: WSDOT Transportation Data, GIS, and Modeling Office.
GMA training opportunities
Transportation efficient communities
WSDOT and the departments of Commerce, Ecology and Health together support local government efforts to make well-organized systems for travel and land use. Transportation Efficient Communities reviews best practices, contact information for subject matter experts, issue briefs and recorded webinars on land use, transportation, and healthy and safe communities.
Under the GMA, concurrency is one of 14 goals local governments must consider in land use planning. Concurrency is intended to ensure public facilities and services are adequate to serve new development at the time of occupancy without decreasing service levels below locally established minimum standards.
- Concurrency, Land Use and the State Transportation System (PDF 231KB)
- Options for Making Concurrency More Multimodal (PDF 4.3MB)
- The GMA Concurrency Goal and the State Transportation System (PDF 4MB)
Planning tools
- The WSDOT Community Planning Portal provides access to state transportation data for general planning purposes. The intent of the portal is to help local and regional planners, decision-makers, and citizens improve their understanding of the state transportation system.
- WSDOT Multimodal Accessibility provides information and examples of how and why we measure people's ease of use of the transportation network.
- Development services policy (Design Manual Chapter 1130) (PDF 622KB)
Slow down on ice and snow.
It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.
Carry chains, practice installing them.
Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.
Pack your winter car kit.
Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.