Right of Way Manual
The Right of Way Manual provides guidance on real estate acquisition, title, appraisal, relocation, and property management.
Right of Way Manual Memorandums
Right of Way manual memorandums are issued as interim updates to the Right of Way Manual.
- 2020-01 - Defense and Indemnity Language (PDF 129KB)
- 2021-01 - Object Codes - Chart of accounts update (PDF 386KB)
- 2022-01 - First contact with property-owners (PDF 162KB)
- 2022-02 - Early and Advance Acquisition and the Use of Eminent Domain (PDF 302KB)
- 2023-01 - Non-Monetary or In-Kind Rent - WSDOT Leasing (PDF 163KB)
- 2023-02 - Surplus Property Valuation Policy (PDF 170KB)
- 2023-03 - Title VI Data Gathering & Annual Reporting (PDF 173KB)
- 2023-04 - Improvements Straddling Right of Way Line and Construction Item (PDF 246KB)
- 2024-01 - New Temporary Relocation Object Code (PDF 153KB)
- 2024-02 - Relocation Monetary Entitlements Changes (PDF 125KB)
- 2024-03 - Waiver Limits (PDF 119KB)
- 2024-04 - Environmental Due Diligence and Valuing Contaminated Properties (PDF 192KB)
- 2024-05 - RES Event Lease (PDF 179KB)
- 2024-06 - RES Transit Stop Policy (PDF 168KB)
- 2024-07 - Manner of Notices (49 CFR Part 24 Final Rule) (PDF 155KB)
- 2025-01 - Lease and Sale of Real Property for Non-highway Use at Less Than Fair Economic Rent/Fair Market Value Policy (PDF 141KB)
Individual Chapters
Chapter 1 Administration and Operation (PDF 227KB)
Chapter 2 Organization (PDF 307KB)
Chapter 3 General Information (PDF 287KB)
Chapter 4 Appraisal (PDF 440KB)
Chapter 5 Appraisal Review (PDF 322KB)
Chapter 6 Acquisition (PDF 760KB)
Chapter 8 Encumbrances (PDF 503KB)
Chapter 9 Instruments (PDF 945KB)
Chapter 10 Vouchers (PDF 300KB)
Chapter 11 Property Management (PDF 9.1MB)
Chapter 12 Relocation Assistance (PDF 1.2MB)
Chapter 14 Design Build (PDF 173KB)
Slow down on ice and snow.
It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.
Carry chains, practice installing them.
Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.
Pack your winter car kit.
Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.