Planning study news
In late summer 2019, WSDOT began working on planning efforts for long-term accessibility along SR 142, in Klickitat. In fall 2019, WSDOT sent out surveys and held a public open house to share strategies and gather feedback from community members to identify future safety and multimodal accessibility improvements on SR 142.
The planning process was disrupted and place on hold in spring 2020, due to the corona virus pandemic.
WSDOT would like to re-engage with the community of Klickitat regarding multi-modal accessibility. We encourage anyone interested in learning more about this safety and accessibility study to watch for future efforts and updates from WSDOT.
Currently, pedestrian access along State Route 142 is limited for people who walk, bike or roll alongside the highway. With input from community members, elected officials and stakeholders, we will develop a plan to improve accessibility for all modes in the community of Klickitat.