This four-mile long east-west corridor is located in Snohomish County within the city limits of Arlington. The corridor runs between the junctions with Interstate 5 and SR 9. It crosses a commercial area in Arlington and traverses the Stillaguamish River floodplain for a few miles through unincorporated Snohomish County. The corridor is rural in character with land use consisting of farming, including farm-to-market retail and season harvest stands.
When WSDOT surveyed feedback from the community and key stakeholders, there was a desire to increase mobility at both the 59th Avenue, NE and 211th Place, NE intersections. Installing compact roundabouts within the current highway footprint will allow travelers to safely make turns onto and off SR 530 and achieve increased mobility in this corridor.
Roundabouts are designed for speeds of 25 mph or less. Since the speed is significantly reduced in a roundabout, collisions that may occur are less likely to result in an injury. Multiple studies have shown roundabouts have fewer fatal and serious injury collisions than traditional signalized intersections. They can also increase traffic capacity by 30% to 50% compared to traditional intersections.
Design began in 2021 and construction began in June 2023.
Design phase begins.
January 2023
Advertise to contractors.
Summer 2023
Construction begins.
Fall 2023
Construction complete.
The total cost of this project is $2.02 million, supported by federal funds.
Learn more about roundabouts.