Functional classification
This information defines how a route should perform in serving the flow of traffic through a highway network. It is the grouping of highways, roads and streets by the character of service they provide and was developed for transportation planning purposes.
The Functional Classification Map Application allows users to view the federal functional classifications (FFC) for Washington state as defined and approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The map is updated periodically. Changes in the functional classification system may be officially approved and not yet reflected on this site.
What is functional classification?
Functional classification is the grouping of highways, roads and streets by the character of service they provide and was developed for transportation planning purposes. Basic to this process is the recognition that individual routes do not serve travel independently in any major way. Rather, most travel involves movement through a network of roads. Comprehensive transportation planning, an integral part of total economic and social development, uses functional classification to determine how travel can be channelized within the network in a logical and efficient manner. Functional classification defines the part that any particular route should play in serving the flow of trips through a highway network.
FHWA Directive 23 CFR 470 states that the state transportation agency has the primary responsibility for developing and updating a statewide highway functional classification in rural and urban areas to determine functional usage of the existing roads and streets. The state transportation agency is to cooperate with responsible local officials, or appropriate Federal agency in the case of areas under Federal jurisdiction, in developing and updating the functional classification. The results of the functional classification is to be mapped and submitted to FHWA for approval and when approved serve as the official record for Federal-aid highways and the basis for designation of the National Highway System.
The Washington State Legislature in RCW 47.05.021 and the Federal-Aid Highway Act direct WSDOT to analyze the entire state highway system to classify and sub-classify all designated state highways according to their function and importance. For more information on federal guidelines please visit the FHWA website, Functional Classification Guidelines (Concepts, Criteria, and Procedures).
Functional classification revision process
The functional classification process is a cooperative effort involving the various local agencies, WSDOT regions, WSDOT local programs, metropolitan planning organizations, regional transportation planning organizations, multimodal planning division and FHWA.
Crosswalk table for referencing federal functional classification codes at WSDOT (PDF 385KB): This table crosswalks the old FFC codes to the 2010 FHWA FFC codes and the internal WSDOT FFC codes.
Functional classification process flowchart (PDF 22KB): This document will outline the basic steps in the functional classification change request process. Your Regional WSDOT Local Programs office can also assist with this process. Updated February 2018.
Functional classification change request form (WORD 74KB): All Functional classification requests must include the standard request form.
Guidelines for amending functional classification in Washington state (PDF 2,413KB): Development of new and/or changes of existing functional classifications are based on specific criteria found in this document.
Functional classification change request status (PDF 167KB): All current road change classification requests are found here. Last updated December 24, 2024.
Highway urban areas functional classification changes
Urban area adjustments
Federal law requires that Highway Urban (and Urbanized) Area (HUA) boundaries be reviewed and adjusted as necessary after each US decennial census. The Washington Adjusted Urban Area (AUA) process took place in 2023. A Boundary Review Team was assembled to oversee the process. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) approved the resulting HUA boundaries in December 2023. The next urban area adjustments will be in 2033.
HUA functional classification changes
FHWA requires a functional classification review following adjustments to HUAs. All agencies affected by HUA changes must review their roads and streets within areas that have changed from rural to urban or urban to rural. Affected agencies will be sent a request to review their roads and assess them for any changes necessary to their existing arterial or collector functional classifications. Arterial or collector classification changes resulting from the review need to be sent to our functional classification section. These changes should be listed, preferably in an Excel spreadsheet, and provided along with a map, showing the name of the roadway, beginning and ending termini, functional classification, urban or rural status, and the reason for the functional class change. All changes need to be submitted to WSDOT for review.
Available reference maps
Functional class change timeline
01/09/2025 - Initiate FC review process for county roads and city streets.
04/11/2025 - Complete the submittal of city and MPO FC change requests to WSDOT.
05/30/2025 - Approval of HUA FC changes by FHWA.
For functional class change submissions contact Heath Bright at 360-570-2370 by phone or email.
For general information contact Mark Bozanich at 360-596-8921 by phone or email.
Functional classification data downloads
Slow down on ice and snow.
It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.
Carry chains, practice installing them.
Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.
Pack your winter car kit.
Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.